Dr. Damla Til Öğüt

Dr. Damla Til Öğüt is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology. She earned her undergraduate degrees in Sociology and Psychology from Koç University, her master’s degree in Psychological Therapies from Queen Mary University of London and her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. She has extensive clinical experience as she has worked with children, adolescents, adults, and families from a wide range of socio-cultural backgrounds in the United Kingdom, in Turkey, and in the US. She has also taught a broad variety of undergraduate and graduate psychology courses at Işık University and Koç University.

Currently, Dr. Damla Til Öğüt serves as a psychotherapist, working with children, adolescents and adults at LEA KLINIK in Istanbul, Turkey. She also serves as a clinical supervisor for psychotherapists and graduate-level clinicians, she teaches undergraduate and graduate level psychology classes, and she is providing trainings and seminars for parents, educators, and psychologists in the field.

Her research interests include mothering and motherhood, family dynamics, parenting and parental influences on children’s emotional wellbeing, divorce and separation.

Dr. Damla Til Öğüt has published her first book titled as Divorce and Parenting (original title: Boşanma ve Ebeveynlik) in March, 2021. Her second book, Difficult Subjects with Children (original title: Çocuklarla Zor Konular) was published in 2022. She wrote a chapter on Divorce and Children and she was one of the editors in this book.